It is not uncommon in Belgium to be summoned before the police court for a speeding. The presence of a lawyer by your side is often useful.
BeLaw Brussels daily defends defendants before the police court for this type of offence.
Yourattorneycan see you in his office located atBrusselsForprepare your defense with youif you have to appear in court for speeding.
In front of the police court, you risk being condemned to afinebut you also risk being condemned to adisqualification from driving(withdrawal of licence/driving prohibition).
In certain cases of recidivism or if the speeding exceeds a certain threshold, the forfeiture of the right to drive is obligatorily pronounced by the police judge.
Your lawyer can ask the court for theenforcement of your weekend driving disqualificationif you can justify the usefulness of your vehicle during the week.
If you have the possibility,get in touchwith your attorney as soon as you receive your subpoena. This will allow us to calmly prepare your defence.
If you have not had the opportunity to organize yourself beforehand,you can alwaysget an urgent appointment with a lawyer.Our office is located just a few minutes from the Brussels police court.